Your donation is a unique opportunity to be recognized in the community as a supporter of the Wimberley Independent School District and the Wimberley Education Foundation. There is a strong donor recognition program that will generate a positive public opinion and appreciation for your contribution.
Your donation will benefit your children and all students in the Wimberley Independent School District by funding innovative classroom programs to enhance learning. You will be able to see your investment at work immediately because the grants will be awarded by the Foundation Board of Directors each spring.
You will become the partner of a highly regarded school district that has demonstrated academic success and strives for excellence. You will be providing opportunities to students who will be effectively prepared to become part of the local work force. They will be better trained to have more skills to put to immediate use.
The Wimberley Education Foundation provides innovative programs that will support the Wimberley Independent School District in its quest for enhancing academic excellence. This will make our community an attractive place to live, work and attend school.
We sincerely appreciate your support.
Donate online or mail donations to:
Wimberley Education Foundation
PO Box 2492
Wimberley, TX 78676